"Some Great Ramen!"
I was walking through the East Village with a friend on a particularly cold night and we were looking for something that could heat up our bones. When we got to the corner of 8th st and 3rd ave, we passed a fantastic Ramen Restaurant called MenKui Tei. The line was out the door and it seemed to be getting even longer. We were very pleasantly surprised by the warmth of the place and the food. This is definitely a great spot to hit up if you are thinking about warming yourself a little bit. This area is generally great for some inexpensive food and great bargains. I like to visit the East Village quite often, but when it's very cold the lack of subways is noticeable. There are a lot of buses that pass through here, so it's not too hard to get too. There are some pretty interesting shops popping up on 8th ave and further into the East village, it's a good place to visit.