Help & FAQ
General questions
What is StreetAdvisor?
StreetAdvisor helps people find the very best streets, neighborhoods and cities to live in, based on the opinions of the people who know best...locals.
With thousands of ratings and reviews, StreetAdvisor helps you choose the best place to live based on what you want.
- "I want to move to another city, but I just don't know which neighborhood I should choose. It's all so confusing."
- "If only I knew what my street was like before I bought the house!"
- "I wish there was a way to ask my neighbors a question, but I'm just too busy to see them."
StreetAdvisor helps solve these common problems by allowing you to search for the ideal place to live.
Why use StreetAdvisor?
StreetAdvisor helps you find streets, neighborhoods or cities most suited to YOU. Looking for neighborhoods with amazing restaurants and nightlife? Or perhaps you want a family friendly neighborhood with great schools and parks? Not a problem, we've got you covered. With StreetAdvisor you can search for the best places to live based on all these factors and more.
Is StreetAdvisor free?
YES! StreetAdvisor is free to browse, join and contribute.
Joining StreetAdvisor
How do I join StreetAdvisor?
To join the StreetAdvisor community, simply visit our Sign Up page and fill in the details.
I've forgotten my password, please help!
To reset your password, click on the 'Forgotten my password' link on the sign in page. We will send you a new password via email. If you continue to have problems with your password, please email us at [email protected] and we will manually reset it for you.
I've registered but I cannot log into the site.
If you are having trouble logging into StreetAdvisor after signing up, the fastest way to get you up and running would be to email us at [email protected]. We'd be more than happy to walk you through any problems that you may be having with registration.
Can I include my photo in my profile?
Yes, each member can add a photo to their profile that will appear throughout the site beside each contribution.
To add a photo, click the 'Change photo' button in your user profile, select a photo from your hard drive, then click 'Save' in your user profile. The photo will appear as soon as it has been processed.
Searching for places
How do I find a street\neighborhood\city that best suits me?
Your search begins in the StreetAdvisor search box at the top of every page. Type in the location you are looking for, and our autocomplete suggestions will help you narrow the search. When you have found the location in the autocomplete drop down, click on it to visit your location.
I can't find what I'm looking for!
Searching works best when you type in the exact location, including full street, neighborhood and city words.
For example:
When searching for a street, you might type in:
Market Street, San Francisco
When searching for a neighborhood, you might type in:
Carnegie Hill, New York City
Be sure to check for spelling errors in your search. If in doubt, email us at [email protected] and we will do our best to find what you are looking for.
Reviews, ratings and rankings
Why would I want to review where I live?
Reviewing places is a fun way to let others know what you REALLY think of life in your area.
Many have had great life experiences in their streets/cities/neighborhoods, while others not so great. We believe people want to talk about these experiences and StreetAdvisor provides the easiest place to share this information.
The larger the community of reviewers, the more valuable for everyone, because eventually everyone needs to find a new place to live.
Sounds great! How do I start writing reviews?
Begin by searching for the place you want to review. Once on the location page, click the 'Write a Review' button to get started.
Do my reviews have to be positive?
Absolutely not! The main thing to remember when writing a review is to be honest. We want people to be informed about every aspect of the places you review, both the good and the bad.
Can I edit my review?
Yes, if you have made a mistake or want to add some more information, you can log in and edit your reviews.
Can I write a review on where I used to live? What about my holiday house?
Of course you can! You can review as many places as you like.
Someone in my area has posted a very biased negative review that I disagree with. Is there any way I can get their review removed?
Again, we believe everyone has a right to express their own opinion, as long as it doesn't conflict with our review guidelines. The best thing you can do is write another review explaining why you disagree with them, or comment on their review explaining your opinion.
How are your rankings calculated?
Our rankings begin with reviews written by locals. Each review contains certain scoring elements that tell us how good, or how bad a place is. We then combine all the scores and apply a 'fairness' factor that takes into account things such as volume of reviews, age of reviews and the type of person writing a review. We then apply a rank so we can compare and sort locations.
I've reviewed my street/city/neighborhood, but it doesn't have a rank?
Each location must have certain number of reviews to qualify for a rank. Ask a friend or relative to also write a review to help your location get ranked.
Some reviews are labelled 'Editors Choice'. What are Editors Choice reviews?
The Editors Choice award is given to an outstanding review written by a member of the StreetAdvisor community. It represents the very highest award that can be given by the StreetAdvisor team.
What is Q&A and how can it help in my search for a great place to live?
StreetAdvisor Q&A is a new feature that lets you ask direct questions to the StreetAdvisor community about any topic. When someone answers your question, you can even vote up the most helpful answers to benefit the rest of the StreetAdvisor community. It's a quick and easy way to find very specific information about the places you are interested in.
Inappropriate content
This review is extremely offensive. How can I report it?
If you come across a review that you think should be removed, simply click on the 'Report' button attached to any review. Our community management team will receive an email notifying us of your request and we will moderate the review asap.
You can also email our community management team directly at [email protected]
Can I advertise on StreetAdvisor?
Of course you can! To find out our advertising rates and and packages, email us at [email protected]