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7.0 out of 10

Eastern Pkwy, Bushwick

Ranked 2nd best street in Bushwick
40.6804655978275 -73.9050429788064
Great for
  • Clean & Green
Not great for
  • Lack of Traffic
  • Cost of Living
  • Nightlife
  • Eating Out
  • Neighborly Spirit
Who lives here?
  • No ratings yet


4/5 rating details
  • Neighborly Spirit 4/5
  • Clean & Green 5/5
  • Eating Out 4/5
  • Nightlife 3/5
  • Parks & Recreation 4/5
  • Lack of Traffic 2/5
  • Cost of Living 3/5

"Fabulousness on the Cheap"

Eastern Parkway may be four lanes of traffic in each direction, but it has a few awesome points that make it worth it to live on this street. First of all, I've looked at some GREAT apartments on this street, with views of the Brooklyn Museum and of Prospect Park - and since this is in Prospect Heights, the rents weren't too bad. If these same apartments were on Prospect Park West, there is no way they would be half as affordable.

If you have a car and live on Eastern Parkway, you'll be relieved to know that there is a wide access road on the north side of the street where everyone parks their cars - there is just no way you can park on the actual Eastern Parkway over by the park.

Of course, the further east you go down this road, the more questionable the neighborhood becomes (the closer you stay to Park Slope, the nicer the neighborhood stays). That said, I have to say that I love Prospect Heights. It's undergone so many improvements in the past few years, and these days you can get a really good meal right off Eastern Parkway. Someone recently built one of those popular all-glass apartment buildings on this street, right across from the library (which is another big highlight of this street), which to me is a sign of spreading opulence.

"not a horrible area, but not super nice"

Sorry, I know this area is supposed to be getting better, but it still seems unsafe. It is not as bad as it used to be.

"Great for a touristy day out"

A lot of Eastern Parkway is pretty utilitarian, acting as a thoroughfare through the Borough, but it also features some of the 'must-sees' if you're a tourist in the area. Hang out at Prospect Park for a few hours, of if you're in the mood for something a little more flower-y, take in the Botanical Gardens. If culture is more your thing the Brooklyn Museum and Brooklyn Public Library are both here as well.

Unranked Streets in Bushwick

Aberdeen St

"Short little street"
40.6822558642657 -73.9057627642447

Arion Pl

"On Arion Place"
40.6984510018024 -73.9361150060046

Bleecker St

"Extreme ends of Bleecker feel residential"
40.6984650561976 -73.9179414983807
"On Central Aveue"
40.6946461308362 -73.9191181525928

Cooke Ct

"Good for a walk around town"
40.6808506669701 -73.9040373335014

Covert St

"One of the nicer streets in brooklyn"
40.6906530667766 -73.908037532681

Eldert St

"On Eldert Street"
40.6912874635956 -73.9085894793614

George St

"Probably get cheap rent here, near bushwick park"
40.7023010246854 -73.9305773045243

Grove St

"Grove street is in a pretty nice, quiet area. "
40.6962081828502 -73.9178191585447

Harman St

"On Harman Avenue"
40.6992160713391 -73.9195480268885

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