Minetta Ln, Greenwich Village
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"Cool street but very small"
On the corner of Minetta and Macdougal are two noteworthy places: Cafe Wha and Minetta Tavern. Cafe Wha has been around forever and the Boss, Bob Dylan, Richard Pryor and Jimi Hendrix have all performed there. Minetta Tavern has been around since 1937 and a ton of writers like e.e. Cummings, Hemingway, and Ezra Pound all used to meet up here. Keith McNally turned it into what it is now which is a majorly trendy but very good restaurant. There's a lot of money in this joint, and, at times, a lot of attitude. But, I enjoy it. I like the decor -- it's very cozy and the food is hearty. It's more of a winter place to me, though.
Minetta Lane is one of the less traffic'd streets in the village and it wouldn't be half bad to live on it.
- Really cute
- Restaurants
- Historical
- Crowded
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