North 1st St, Williamsburg
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"A quieter part of Willburg"
The best part about N 1st, in my opinion, is the Nitehawk Theatre. It just opened this year, and I can't tell you how exciting it is for Williamsburg to finally have a friggin movie theatre. And, it's a super cool movie theatre. There is a fantastic menu and cocktails named after the movies playing. I had pulled pork sandwiches and watched Midnight in Paris. It was a really delightful night. And, then if you live in the neighborhood, you can just walk home! The Nitehawk only plays independent films but I doubt anyone that lives in this neighborhood goes to big budget junk anyway so it suits the street perfectly.
The street can be a little scary at night because there aren't as many people out in this neck of the woods, so I wouldn't do a lot of late night walking. Oh, and there aren't any markets or conveniences around North 1st so that's a real pain in the neck. But, it's directly between both subway lines and it's definitely quieter and a little more mature than the North 7th area.
- Quieter
- Nitehawk
- Dirty
- A little sketchy at night
- Neighborly Spirit
- Clean & Green
- Pest Free
- Peace & Quiet
- Eating Out
- Nightlife
- Parks & Recreation
- Shopping Options
- Gym & Fitness
- Internet Access
- Lack of Traffic
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- Public Transport
- Medical Facilities