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"Put a spring in your step"

If theres one sure fire way to put a spring into your step it is to have a great day, shopping, eating and drinking. Thankfully, Spring Street is the ideal location for all of these activites and should put a smile on the face of anyone, regardless of what sort of mood they are in.
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"Not a place for tourists"

Rose Street is an essential place for local residents but if you are a tourist looking for the wow factor in New York, this street just isn’t going to cut it for you. The traffic is busy and there is a lot of movement but theres nothing greatly exciting so if you have a limited time, make sure you don’t dilly dally on this road.
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"Great quality architecture"

Sandwiched in between Chinatown and Soho means that Crosby Street can be overlooked by many rushing to get to one place or another but there is a lot to admire here if you stop and take the time. The architecture on show is exquisite and definitely requires some time to be put aside to get the very best of the views and shops.
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"More than just great food"

You know when you head to China Town it is likely you will be able to get a great meal or two but Catherine Lane has the edge over some of its rivals in China Town due to the other range of products you can find here. If you are travelling and want to find a great gift for someone back home, Catherine Lane is ideal for finding a bag or a great nick knack for them.
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"Moore Moore do you like it?"

This street may not draw attention to itself but if you lived nearby it would become one of the most important places in your local district. The choice of food venues is wide ranging and whilst none of them may be the place for a big date or grand gesture, there is plenty of fun and nutrition to be had from popping in for a quick bite to eat. The stores are great and the staff all seemed really cheery so be sure to take a wander if you are in the district.
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"Its not called A for nothing"

So cool that Ryan Adams once sang about it in a song, Avenue A still remains one of the places to be seen in as it is the home for so many of the hipsters and cool cats. If you want to see what you should be wearing or perhaps just fancy a great slice of pizza, Avenue A is always going to be one of the most fashionable stop off points in the city.
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"Shop for soething a bit different"

The amount of shops in New York City is unreal but sometimes you want something a little bit cheaper or perhaps something that is a little harder to find. If this is the case, St Marks Place is the place to be as no matter what you want, there is likely to be a vendor in the area that will have you want and can provide it for a reasonable price.
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"Move in the right directions"

Suduko and brain training games may be increasing in popularity these days but for some people, chess will always be king of the brain training games and these people will be delighted with Thompson Street, the beating heart of the Chess District in New York. Whether it’s to observe others or perhaps get involved personally, this is a charming area and you can reach it from any direction.
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"Shop until you drop"

Canal Street is just all about the shopping. Sometimes the street can be too busy but this merely underlines the popularity of the street and means that everyone wants to go there and do the same thing. It may not be as recognisable to tourists and New York watchers as some of the high profile streets but you will definitely have a great day shopping in this location.
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"Not all coffee places are the same"

Probably because of Friends, New York is synonymous with coffee houses for many tourists but this has led to so many really bad coffee shops opening up and tricking unsuspecting tourists. One place that this is definitely not the case is Waverly Place and if you are in the area, pop into Joes and get a great cup of coffee and watch the world go by.
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"Its more than just a historical name"

If you are a tourist in America, the origins and history of the name of Washington Street may not be of interest to you but you will be delighted to hear is that there are a number of great bars. Its not as if New York is short of places to grab a drink but this street has a number of fantastic and charming little bars that you can easily spend a few nights here sampling the local venues.
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"More than just a stop over"

When you live in a city you become used to the places you visit to join up journeys but when you are travelling, you can be too busy concentrating on knowing where you are and planning your next move that you don’t take the location in. Exchange Place is one of these locations but if you have the time stop and breathe for a few minutes and indulge in some people watching, as this place encapsulates so much about NYC.
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"If you need some quiet time"

Although it is probably more commonly used by tourists on their way to other places and locations within the city, Barrow Street has a beauty and relevancy of its own that should be worth stopping to check it out. The church looks impressive and it’s a good place to hang out and people watch so if you have some time to kill, there are worse places you could be than here.
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"Take it easy"

If you want to relax and take it easy then Sheridan Square is an ideal place to come to and Charles Street is one the most laidback places around. If anyone knows how to relax and take life easy, it is people who follow jazz and this area has been one of the key locations for the musical movement. It may not play as prominent part in today’s community but there is still a relaxed air about this street.
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"The street that time forgot"

Part of our aim in New York was to seek out some of the hidden or forgotten sights and browsing a few websites brought Collister Street to our attention. The street remained cobbled, adding an almost Victorian feel to the area which when mixed with the red brick buildings made it seem so un New York like that it was a fantastic experience.
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"A stop off point on the way to other adventures"

If you are going to spend some time exploring Richmond Town, it makes sense to fuel up first and an ideal place to stop off is at the Tyson Gourmet Food Court in Clarke Avenue where the food is to die for. No matter what you choose, the freshness and quality should keep you fully fed for a busy day ahead.
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"The underground side of New York"

Not all of New York has been taken over by the major brands and there are signs of the underground fighting their corner. Van Brunt Street is a classic example of the New York with some tremendous graffiti mixing with karaoke bars and cobbled streets creating a mish mash of many different scenes and cultures.
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"A fantastic looking little street"

Its such a quaint street with the walkway between the flats giving it a unique feel and the graffiti and warning signs of the hollow walkway making sure that Staple Street isn’t like many other streets in the Tribeca area. If you want to experience the scuzzier side of New York, this is an ideal place to start.
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"Get the best of both worlds"

Being so close to the heart of the action of Madison Avenue, Van Zandt Street is a great little oasis away from the main thoroughfare and hustle bustle of the city. New York is full of so many hidden streets and charms and the small stores in this area were full of friendly staff who were very happy to help and give us directions and recommendations.
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"A great base for your adventures"

The Wall Street Inn doesn’t let you stay in the heart of the worlds financial street but you are still a heartbeat away and we found it to be a great base for our trip to New York. The beauty about New York is that it’s so easy to get around and we had no difficulty with this area and we were out late at night on a few occasions. There are a few places to stay in this area so no matter what you are after; there should be something for your budget.
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"Dont miss the cheese and wine"

If you are looking for something a little bit out of the ordinary in New York, the Union Square Farmers Market is a fantastic little place to visit and treat yourself. The people watching is tremendous and the cheese and wine made for a tremendous day out. It is maybe not everyone’s idea of a great day out in a big city but this helps you catch your breath in the big city.
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"Modern architecture at its best"

Some of the modern architecture in Perry Street is truly jaw dropping yet it manages to blend in well with the traditional elements of the area. The truly cutting edge living areas are probably well out of reach for most peoples finances but taking a stroll along Perry Street and imagining what it would be like to live there is a fantastic past time and can give you some great ideas.
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"Who knows what you may find?"

I’m not sure what Columbus was really looking for when he set off travelling but the Time Warner building in Columbus Circle would be beyond the dreams of most people, even in recent decades, let alone in the far and distant past. The curved front plays host to a shopping mall and traversing up the building affords a tremendous view of the local area but to be honest, the best view is from the outside looking up, such is the splendour of this building.
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"Part of New yorks scuzzy past"

Lexington has always epitomised the sleazy heart of Lou Reed and the Velvet Undergrounds New York City but even that is outstripped by the Chrysler Building. Okay, to get the full effect of the building you need to be off Lexington Avenue but if you want an almost perfect example of art-deco class this building isn’t going to be topped. And then there is the General Electric Building further along the road for back up too, what a great street for art lovers.
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"Art deco at its finest"

Being situated between 5th and 6th Avenue means that you have to do something good to catch the eye and the American Standard building is just the sort of thing that would draw people and attention to any street. The stark contrast of the dark turrets at the top of the building, especially hen compared to similar buildings in the city, stands it out as an innovative piece of architecture and is another one of they key components of New York’s art-deco style.
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"Great place to exercise"

If you’re into endurance training then pounding around on College Street can be a great way to work off some of that flab brought on by living the good life in New York. Theres quite an extensive hill on the street which is also good for building some strength and the street is rather windy which can add an extra dimension to your run. Not everyone wants to go to a fancy gym or perhaps you don’t have the time on holiday but if you are looking for a good running route with some twists to keep it interesting, try and add College Street to your route
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"Its all about the sneakers"

Sneakers and footwear is an important part of most mens life and heading to New York is a form of heaven for any footwear junkie. Whether its Converse or Nike, some of the greatest shoes I’ve ever worn have hailed from America and the fact that there are so many sneaker stores in the one area makes this the place to come and see. And you know you can bring the wife or girlfriend because she would never be able to tell you off for looking at shoes, even though these sneakers may not be the ones she wants to buy.
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"A great place to see by day"

Although New York is awesome, it can be a bit claustrophobic so it’s good to know there are some streets where there are plenty of trees mixed in with the living quarters to allow people to see some plants and hey, its good for the environment too. Supposedly at night it is a dangerous place to be in but we only went during the day time and it was lovely with a lot of people milling around. Its close to the college so there is a student vibe in the area which can be good too. We liked the street but I would say we never saw it when it is supposed to be at its worst.
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"Remember to stay in fashion"

Whether you like Fashion Avenue or not will probably depend on how much of a people person you are. I love watching the hustle and bustle of people moving about and the situation of this street gives the prime opportunity to do this. Whether its tourists rushing to the Empire State Building, shoppers going to Macys or average New Yorkers going about their daily business, all kinds of people come by here and the sense of chaos and mess is fantastic if you like unpredictability.
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"A living piece of art"

Wow, the exterior of the Art and Architecture building in Kenmare Street is an amazing work of it. Parts of the exterior wall has panels that are on pivots meaning they can open up and turn around, opening up the inside to the outside and making the building as important as any of the pieces of artwork inside. It’s a really innovating piece that can stop you in your tracks if it catches you unawares.
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"You have to think Pink."

Thinking of Pink may conjure up the panther or the singer but in Chinatown it stands for a high quality and pretty funky jewellery store in Baxter Street. I tend to leave shopping to the little lady but the designs and styles of some of the bracelets and bangles were eye-catching to say the least so I had to have a look too. Perhaps this was a ruse to get me to bring my wallet in but either way, its well worth a look.
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"Pell Street is bright and beautiful"

All the colours of the rainbow can be found on Pell Street, one of the most vibrant and bright districts in all of New York, even allowing for the fact that it is in China Street. The shops here stretch much further than the standard restaurant mix with florists, hair salons and beauty, insurance shops and even a travel agent adding a great range of variety to the traders in the area.
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"Ideal place to grab something to eat"

Supposedly the history of Henry Street is one that has welcomed many immigrants and poor people to its area but its current incarnation as part of the burgeoning Chinatown district of New York is a great place to visit. It’s a vibrant and extremely busy street with plenty to see and do so whilst there isn’t a lot to make you stop off and sight see, if you want a feel of busy life and grab some great food, Henry Street is an ideal choice.
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"Nothing exciting but seems a nice place to stay"

Cherry Street is one of the streets that remind you that lots of people stay in New York and it’s not just for tourists. It seems a great residential area to live in, the buildings are pretty compact and from the outside they look great and the tree lined street on the opposite side gives some protection and privacy. If I lived in New York, I’d seriously consider this area.
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"Stay on the right side of the law"

Thankfully our time in Centre Street was spent merely sight seeing and not actually using the facilities of the numerous courts that can be found in the area. Its probably handy for everyone to keep all these buildings in a close location but it also allows for a lot of sight seeing as they tend to all be impressive and imposing buildings. Just make sure if you visit Centre Street it through your own choosing.
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"Local charm and a great vibe"

Some streets may not have much in the way of general attractions to help them stand out but this doesnt stop them from having a unique charm and personality. 12th Avenue in Brooklyn is the sort of place you would always hang out in you stayed locally so its a great place to get the vibe from the local community. The store keepers were so helpful and gave us a lot of inofrmation so if you are in the area, feel free to drop in and give them your custom.
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"French architecture has played its part in Fulton Street."

Fulton Street has such a quaint feel to it that you almost have to question whether it belongs in New York at all. The style of the buildings owes a great deal to French architecture and there is a unique charm about this part of the city. Its never going to top your list of things to see but if you tire of craning your neck all day looking at skyscrapers, blessed relief can come in Fulton Street.
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"Still as poignant."

As New York has so many world famous streets, some of the lesser or adjoining road can get lost in the crush and this may be the case for Liberty Street. The street was renamed after the French revolution and although famous for its close proximity to so many other attractions, the street suffered in the 9/11 events and has undergone some recent renovation work. As with anything from that time, the emotional scars are all too real and although Ground Zero is the main focal point, it is easy to see that you can get caught up in the emotion at this point too.
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"It neednt be an intrepid trip."

The sight of the fighter jet perched on top of the USS Intrepid is going to capture your imagination right from the off and makes a trip to 12th Avenue very worthwhile. It’s a little bit different from the other tourist attractions that are available in New York so if you want something away from the norm, head to the Sea and Air Museum for a great day out.
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"Cross that bridge when you come to it."

It may not be a street name that conjures up to many images for you but the Brooklyn Bridge is synonymous with New York and should be part of everyone’s itinerary. It’s a fascinating structure, more so considering it dates back to the 1800s and again, is another landmark in New York that seems perfect for tourists to stare at but actually forms an integral part of many people’s everyday lives.
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"Can we blame the money men?"

Given the financial markets crash of late, you may not want to be spending too much time in Wall Street in fear of seeing some desperate people but for the architecture and imposing buildings alone, this is a great stop off. The fact that the street name is synonymous with financial transaction and economic impact tells you the level of importance the street holds and the businesses and organizations it contains. Grasping the power that this one area has over the rest of the world is fascinating and you can always go and vent some anger at how the recession is kicking in!
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"They ain't too smart"

The Strokes may have told us that New York city cops aint too smart but in recent years, there have been a number of incidents which have caused an appraisal of the emergency services in New York. The headquarters of the NYC Police Department can be found in Park Row as well as a wealth of history regarding the printing press and journalism in America. It maybe doesn’t shine as much as it used to but Park Row is a strng addition to any NYC trip.
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"To infinity and beyond"

Central Park West is probably best known for hugging the west rim of Central Park but the Rose Center is doing a great job at increasing the popularity of this stretch of road. There is such a fascination with space and space travel that its hardly surprising this attraction is so popular and the Tom Hanks narrated Space Show is worth the admission fee alone. If you have ever been curious about space and travelling the universe, make this a stop in your New York stay.
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"Take the scenic route"

Following West Drive for its length takes you into the heart of Central Park and lets you see so much of the beauty and splendour of the park and more importantly, lets you people watch to your hearts content. Situated close to the Central Park West side, it touches on near enough the Jackie Onassis Reservoir, The Lake and The Pond which means if you like the water and all things nautical, this road is the one for you to use whilst winding your way through Central Park.
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"Just do it!"

Just do it! It’s the famous mantra for so many athletes and sporting wannabes and if you know exactly what I’m talking about, then get yourself down to East 57th Street where you can check out the New York Nike store. Whether it’s the latest trends and fashions that you want to snap up or check out the retro styles that helped build the Nike brand, this is a place with swoosh.
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"Earn your three stripes"

If you’re an old school b-boy or just like the look of vintage clothes then the Adidas Originals store in Wooster Street is worth the journey alone. I thought the Adidas store in the Gothic area of Barcelona was excellent but this shop had it all to satisfy even the most hardened Adidas fan and with so many products, narrowing your decision down is the hardest choice. The shop inevitably entices a cool clientele so the immediate vicinity is a good place to hang out if you have the time to kill.
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"An architectural delight"

Manhattan has more than enough attractions to make it worth seeing but something a little bit out of the ordinary can be found on West 34th Street. The Hammerstein Ballroom has been the location for many great gigs and even wrestling bouts which makes it a fantastic source of history about popular culture. The architecture of the venue, with its sweeping elegance gives another great reason to check it out.
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"Take me out to the ball game"

How do you live up to a legend? How can you compete with a venue where a million dreams were made and a millions hearts were broken? 161 Street was the home of the world famous Yankee Stadium and is also where the club have made the short flit to New Yankee Stadium. With an April opening for the new stadium, no one knows how the club and fans will settle into the new stadium although traditional fans will mourn the death of the former stadium. For sporting fans, the fact that this street now encapsulates the old and the new makes it a fantastic place to visit.
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"A New York experience"

There are some things that just scream New York to the world and The Rockerfeller Center, indeed the name Rockerfeller alone, indicates something special in all corners of the globe. Such is the scale of the GE Building that its true majesty can only be viewed from further away but there is no doubt that everything that exists in this small area in a huge city is a lasting tribute to a man who took a risk and saw it all pay off. It’s not as if its should be an inspiration to your own life but its certainly worth a visit.
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"Fashion and culture"

If you feel the need to reacquaint with American art and culture, The Whitney is a great place to stop off at. New York can’t be faulted for the amount of museums and places of interest but this stop off stands out because of its focus on American art and its own unique style. And if its style you want, you cant beat the street that is home to Gucci, Hermes, Prada, Chanel, Chloe and many many more. It’s maybe best to let the lady shop and you spend time in the museum!
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"Take some time out"

Botanical gardens are available all over the world and they provide a fantastic oasis in the heart of many cities to allow the residents a place of calm and the chance to see plants, shrubs and plants that they may not get to observe otherwise. The New York Botanical Garden has a history that isn’t really conveyed by its current status but it does act as a tremendous place to visit and get away from the manic ness of New York life.
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"See the zoo"

Some of the bad publicity that has surrounded the area may lead some people to dismissing the Bronx as a bit of a zoo anyway but the real life Bronx Zoo is a fantastic place to visit, bringing the world of nature into the bustling city. Gorillas, alligators, leopards and bison are all worth the visit alone and there is also an indoor area in case the weather turns nasty.
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"Take on the challenge"

Sometimes you want a challenge when you eat and a great serving of wings will definitely sort the men from the boys. The Atomic Wings (great name) chain has a few stores all over the city but the one on 3rd Avenue provided the backdrop to our eating contest and its fair to say the spices and sauces had us all licked by the end. The staff was great and you can people watch to your hearts content. So with all that and great food, who needs anything else?
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"Definitely fit for a Prince."

If you are looking for a place to eat but aren’t quite sure what you want yet, head to Prince Street where you can make up your mind safe in the knowledge you will get something worth eating. Soho Kitchen and Bar and Zoe are pretty close by and both offered up divine meals when we tried them out. Its not far from the bustle of Broadway so you wont be dragging yourselves away too far but it will definitely be worth it.
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"Get yourself a treat!"

One of the many delicacies that people associate with New York are bagels and that’s probably because there is an abundance of vendors selling the bread rings everywhere in the city. However, some have risen above the rest and H&H are rightly held up as one of the greatest bagel vendors in the world! We got ours from the one on 80th and Broadway and even though we ducked away from so many on Broadway, it was well worth it. If you have a sweet tooth, these are the bagels for you so step off the beaten track (slightly) and give yourself a treat.
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"You know the name"

Supposedly Seinfeld and the gang hung out on this street but its really all about one thing, Toms Diner from the Suzanne Vega song. Even seeing the name written down has you humming the tune and singing the backing vocals so if you are in New York it’s a great place to visit, get some great food at a great price and see what the inspiration was all about.
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"Get in touch with the past"

With the Roxy at hand, you know this street is going to be a party animal but when you need to keep going through the night, theres the requirement for a little sustenance to help out. One of the best ways to refuel is to visit the Empire Diner which has been renovated in the style of a 1920s diner to help you grasp what life was like nearly 100 years ago. Great fun and a place to socialize!
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"A social environment for everyone"

Every major city has one but there is still something about the New York Hard Rock restaurant that grabs your attention. If you’re travelling and you don’t know the food of a new area, it can be good to sometimes take it easy and choose an established chain that you know will serve up a recognised quality. And all the star attractions and memorabilia makes it a trip well worth making. However if you are willing to take a risk, the Russian Tea Rooms offer a completely different experience, but both are memorable.
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"A fantastic New York experience"

Whether its Vivaldi or Frankie Valli, the Four Seasons has always been a name that conjures up a distinct image and to be fair, this world famous New York restaurant is probably a large part of the reason for that. Don’t think you can roll up and get a table on the night, the waiting list is a good few weeks away but its worth coming along to see the venue and perhaps catch a look at who is going inside. Its one of the things you’ll be able to tell others about your trip.
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"Diamonds are a girls best friend"

If diamonds are a girls best friend, 47th Street is surely where every girl wants to live as it is not for nothing that this stretch is called The Diamond District, Situated between Fifth and Sixth Avenue, if you really want to impress the love of your life or just marvel at the opulence of so many amazing diamonds, this part of New York is not to be missed.
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"Not quite fit for a king"

Shopping malls can now be found all over the world but they don’t make them in many places like they do in New York. At nearly 40 years old, Kings Plaza has a long history but it remains one of the main employment locations in the Bronx and more importantly, has around 130 shops within it. This means you could easily spend all day in the mall and food courts which won’t help you see the best of New York but will let you shop to your hearts content.
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"An aptly titled street"

Anyone street cornering onto Broadway is going to have to fight for its fair share of recognition but the Soho flea market helps Grand Street be remembered. No matter what you want, and even if you just want to browse and interact with the locals, anything can be found here. If you want to capture the look of New York from Blondie to The Strokes then a beaten up leather jacket from Grand Street will have you looking authentic in no time at all.
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"One of the best markets in town."

Depending on where you have travelled from, you may be limited in what you can take home but if you have room to spare or even just like browsing, the Indoor Market that can be found on West 25th Street is fantastic. With a range of antiques that are positively spellbinding, you will definitely find something that catches your eye and possibly even your wallet too.
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"Vintage clothes shopping at its best"

New Amsterdam is the old name for New York and Amsterdam is a street to go to if you wants the very best in old clothes. New York City has a great array of vintage clothing shops but one of the best is easily Allan & Suzi’s where the window display alone has people coming for miles to see what is happening.
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"For music lovers."

Theres no more common name than Smith but Smith Street has something a little bit special for all music lovers who come to visit New York. Halcyon not only offers up great food in a classy surrounding but its record shop stocks all you could ever want on vinyl and CDs but that’s not all. Their legendary ‘Record Parties’ on a Saturday welcome all comers to have a shot at djing so if you feel as though you have hidden skills, get along to Smith Street at the weekend.
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"Home is where the art is"

Whether you love music, history or art-deco architecture and settings, Delancey Street is going to offer something for everyone. This famous location houses the Bowery Ballroom which plays host to a range of gigs on its different levels. So whether you want to rock out, enjoy a drink in the lounge or just admire the stunning design and feel of a venue that has seen and done it all, Delancey Street is the place to be.
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"Its a grand old sight to see."

It may seem strange to be reviewing a place which can take you away from New York but the Grand Central Terminal has to be seen to be fully enjoyed. TV and films have utilised on numerous occasions throughout the years but when you see it in real life, combining an architectural majesty as well as a burgeoning functionality ferrying thousands of people to and free, you can feel it’s a metaphor for New York itself. Even if you aren’t travelling through here, spend some time here.
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"Add some music to your day"

This street is situated right in the heart of so much that is good in New York that it can be a great resting spot and its easy access to so many subway spots make it popular but for us, the real highlight came in the form of the Gospel Brunch which was on when we visited one Sunday. Combining food with great singing and a spiritual vibe is an ideal way to do something different with your time in New York and if you get the chance stop on by for a little uplifting time. And if you want a little more variety, Joes Pub is a bit more comfortable whilst Dominion with its burlesque shows is not too far away either.
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"A slice of more traditional America"

America is the undisputed home of country music and all its associated forms but you would never class New York as a spiritual home for all things Americana. However if your US trip is based in New York and you fancy a good old fashioned hoedown, get along to 9C on 9th Street which plays host to some of the greatest country and bluegrass bands around. The patrons and staff were all helpful and we had a terrific night out in a manner that was a break from the norm.
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"A history to die for"

The story of MacDougal Street is so closely linked to Bob Dylan that anyone who loves the musician needs to spend some time there to get a feel of what the songwriter has encompassed in his life. It was the setting for his meeting with Allen Ginsberg, he lived on the street for a while and had his first ever New York city gig there too. When you add that Jimi Hendrix also debuted in NYC at the Café Wha? venue, MacDougal Street becomes of great interest for any music lover.
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"The punk vibe is still in the air"

The Bowery seems to encapsulate so much of the changing nature of NYC. As a music fan, the fact that the place was host to CBGB’s makes it worth the trip alone but although the site has seen so many of its landmark places drop off, there is still plenty to see and do. Even using the street as a starting point for enjoying the bohemian feel of the Bowery makes this a worthwhile addition to any day out.
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"A good place for some shopping"

If you like local markets and mixing with the community, Orchard Street on a Sunday morning is the place to be if you are in Manhattan. The opportunity to pick up some vintage clothes at a great price makes it worth the trip, as does the number of stores in the local area. It may seem a bit run down but the prices on offer overrides any concerns about the area and it is quite friendly and welcoming.
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"Hanging out with the B-Boys"

If you are doing a music tour of New York City, then Ludlow Street must be included in your travels. It may not be the most obvious location for you to see but the fact that The Beastie Boys used the location for the cover of their seminal Pauls Boutique album makes it a must see for all b-boys and hip hop fans. It’s an artistic street and area so there will be plenty to see and do when you get there but its another place to tick off when you think about NYC music landmarks.
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"Give it my regards"

Before you come to New York the name Broadway means theatres but when you actually come to the street, it’s amazing how long it is, how wide it is (yes, it is aptly name) and the fact that it caters for so much more than plays and productions. The fact that the road stretches all the way down to the Bronx means it can take up the best part of a day when sightseeing and its well worth adding to your travel plans. You may not be welcomed in the Canyon of Heroes with a tickertape parade but it is a great street that you should see, especially if you are after vintage clothes as there is an abundance of outlets on this stretch of road.
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"A great stop on the magical mystery tour"

Anything situated close to Central Park is going to be of value and interest but for music lovers, Seventh Avenue is all about Carnegie Hall. Hailing from Scotland, the legacy of Andrew Carnegie is something to be proud of but the musical history of Carnegie Hall outstrips even his tales. The venue stands as one of the famous landmarks of the Beatles early US career and is a great stop off for anyone wanting a Fab Four tinged look at New York. The building itself is in fantastic condition but it’s the sense of history that really helps Carnegie Hall stand out.
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"Got to love that Radio City Music Hall sign"

As far as famous landmarks go, it’s hard to beat Radio City Music Hall which can be found on Sixth Avenue. As a tourist, its one of the most recognisable images in New York (which is saying something) and you have to see it at night when there is a performance taking place. With the lights on and that famous neon sign spelling out its name, you’ll be whisked away to all the famous films and gigs throughout the last century and its exactly why you want to visit New York. Its sometimes hard to remember that New York is a living breathing city with so many people calling it their home because the sense of occasion and grandeur about so much in the city makes it the perfect tourist location.
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"Architecture that is all the rage"

Not since the 1980s and the Rubiks cube has a cube so captured the imagination as the entrance to the Apple Store in Fifth Avenue. Heading to an Apple store is likely to be a worthwhile trip anyway with gadget heads and technology lovers bound to be impressed but seeing the cube entrance in real life is breathtaking. It sums up the technology chasing status impact of the company perfectly and stands out in a street that is vibrant and at the heart of a great region. A sight worth seeing for those who aren’t square! And if that’s not enough, there is the Guggenheim Museum and the Empire States Building. Wow, how many architectural amazements can one street have?
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"Seeing it in real life is a must"

Regardless of how many television shows and films you have seen this historic area in, you won’t believe your eyes when you first arrive. Busy and over the top doesn’t do it justice and you can easily spend a large part of your day wandering around in a daze looking up and trying to take everything in, all the while trying to dodge traffic and people going about their daily routine. It must be something to see Times Square that often that you become blasé about it but as a tourist, it’s a must see place in New York.
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"Great place to eat pizza"

I know it sounds funny but one of the important things we wanted to do in New York was try all the famous New York food in its original venues. Its not as if we had never eaten pizza before but having pizza in Greenwich just seemed so much cooler than eating the same kind of pizza at home. We signed up for one of the walking food tours in Greenwich and the highlight for us was this stop. A simple mushroom pizza shouldn’t be the cause for celebration but when it tastes so good and is the authentic real deal, you just cant help feeling great about stopping here!

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