Washington Sq West, Greenwich Village
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"Beautiful street if you can afford it (or go to NYU)"
Eleanor Roosevelt had an apartment here (29 Wash Square West) during her marriage to FDR. It was her main residence after he died. Any of the homes across the street from the park are prime real estate. And, the neighborhood is so beautiful. I would rather live here than across from Central Park. Yeah, Central Park is bigger and more beautiful, but the fact that it's predominantly townhouses around Washington Square Park versus the high rises that surround Central Park give it much more of an aesthetic. And, it makes it kind of like living in a time capsule.
Washington Square Park also has a lot more color to it than other parks in the city. The South west corner of the park is where all the speed chess players go and play. It was where Bobby Fisher got his start and it is an incredible thing to watch although I wouldn't dare play on of them unless you are Chess gifted . . .they'll beat you in two moves and take all your money. During the 80's the park used to be a huge marijuana dealing playground. People used to get busted for pot here all the time, and although it has calmed down, I'm sure there's still an awful lot of pot activity going on in the park due to the fact that it's an awfully colorful park, people-wise, and the fact that NYU completely surrounds the park.
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- Beautiful Homes
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