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7.4 out of 10

West 59th St, Lincoln Square

Ranked 2nd best street in Lincoln Square
40.7714294916476 -73.9900231721664
Great for
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  • Gym & Fitness
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"Manhattan Shopping/Street Vends"

I love W 59th! Spent a lot of time here shopping. Bloomingdale's is good, but I have to say that a lot of great deals were found in smaller shops and street vends. I bought a lot of my jewelry and hair accessories here while on college breaks. I want to say that it's not expensive, compared to other streets where you could be shopping, but it's not the cheapest either. If you have a significant amount of time to spend looking for clothes and such, it's a good place to find them. I wouldn't look for massively cheap things here, but they are normally priced and of good quality :) Food isn't memorable, but I think I found a good sandwhich shop around there at some point.

"Magical And Entertaining!"

West 59th street is one of my favorite streets in New York. Not only does it hug the bottom half of Central Park, where all of the horse carriages are, it also holds Columbus Circle and the Time Warner Center. There is nothing more fun than a day of window shopping at the exquisite stores in this area. The Whole Foods Supermarket in the Time Warner Center caters to all healthy and gourmet tastes, and whats better than spending a snowy day indoors browsing some good books at the Borders on the upper level.

A nice stroll on this street will take you past some of the swankiest hotels and spas in New York, and even if you are not one of the patrons, you can still admire the city's glitz and glamor at its best. It is not rare to walk past a consul of body guards waiting for someone famous or almost famous to step out of their stretch limo. This area is also especially magical around the Holidays, mostly due to its proximity to the 5th ave light displays. When the trees lose their leaves here they gain a corona of lights that makes them eternally alive.

"East 59th St"

The Fantastic Bloomingdale’s is located on this busy street, and is well worth the visit for a world famous Big Brown Bag. If you want a break from one of the city’s larger departmental haunts, like Macy’s or Bergdorf’s, Bloomingdale’s offers great high end brands with less of a headache. I like any place where I can buy Betsey Johnson, Diane Von Furstenburg, and Marc Jacobs under the same roof!

The street itself is filled with a lot of retail, which pales in comparison to “Bloomie’s” but you should be able to find some good things inside. You should also try doing some street shopping here.

Unranked Streets in Lincoln Square

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9th Ave

"Columbus Circle, the Park. Rich People and tourists. "
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Columbus Ave

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"This street is...sinking?"
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"For Richie Riches and Wandering Tourists"
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Unanswered Questions in Lincoln Square

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