8 Ave, Chelsea
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- lots of shopping
- Chelsea Market
- good transport
- boring chain stores
- crowded
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"Nothing to write home about aside from UCB"
There's a really cool building on the corner of 26th and 12th called the Starrett-Lehigh Building. It is all windows at quite tall. There are a number of fancy businesses in this building including the headquarters for Martha Stewart Living. The windows are pretty impressive, I must say. Of all the many art galleries in Chelsea, the block of 26th between 10th and 11th is probably the best strip of them. Or, at least they make up some of the most famous. If you're into art by people whom are mostly still alive, do this block.
The corner of 26th and 8th houses the Upright Citizen's Brigade theatre. This is one of the most famous improv theatres in the world and they really do have some great shows. There's one in particular called ASSSS cat on Sunday nights that always sells out ahead time but anyone who lives in NYC has to go to this show. The performers are incredible and there are often guests from SNL and 30 rock in the lineup.
There's not a lot to do in the way of bars and restaurants on this street. In fact, we always have to make quite a hike to go for drinks after a UCB show. And, even within blocks, the options are pretty bleak. But, there are a number of schools on this street including FIT, a dance school and UCB. There are also a number of bizarre stores (like sewing shops) on this street but I don't know that I'd go out of my way for any of them unless I needed something very specific. There's one cool historical thing on the street and it's called Writers' House. It is a quite successful publishing house that is in the literal house of the Astors before they became ridiculously weatlhy. It's very old and very cute and I think the fact that it's a publishing business now sort of commemorates the old school writing vibe that the west side once possesssed.
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- Neighborly Spirit
- Clean & Green
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"Major crosstown Street"
- Tourists