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3.6 out of 10

Shore Pkwy South, Brighton Beach

40.5835422249282 -73.9652840152354
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"Creepy area to be jogging"

This area during the day have a lot of people that ride their bike, roller-blade or flying a kit with their kids. But, at night this area is pretty creepy. The chilly air from the shore and the bad lighting from the few lights there makes the area pretty spooky. There's a play ground just across the BeltPkwy that usually you'll find some teenagers play hand-ball or just sitting there doing nothing, at least that's how I remembered it . The grass areas are filled with bird droppings and if your not careful you'll have to throw those sneakers out. The traffic on the BeltPkwy is very noisy, Sometimes even if someone is standing next to you talking you won't be able to hear. That and the noise from the ocean's wind makes it pretty difficult to understand. As a weekend get away, I might visit for an hour or so just to get a hot dog from the street vendor, smell the salty ocean. That would be yet. Not the best place to live .

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