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"The City that Never Sleeps"
The first time I went to New York City was the 2007 Inman Connect real estate conference. While working for Zillow and Virtual Results, I attended the next 4 Connect Conferences in NYC up until 2011 (I missed 2012 since I left for SE asia right after Christmas). From the moment I first set foot in the Big Apple in 2007, I was hooked. The dirty & packed subway during rush hour, Central Park, Brooklyn, the quaint bars in the West Village…the general “vibe” of the bustling city that never stops moving. The list goes on and on. Between 2007 and 2011, I looked forward to my time in NYC every January. I met some amazing New Yorkers who are now close friends. I ate AMAZING Korean BBQ.
Watch this:
There’s just something about New York that draws the young professional in. I can’t quite put my finger on what exactly “IT” is, but it’s certainly alive and burning for me.
- Always something to do
- Can get anywhere on public transit
- Energy, and Diversity
- Expensive...everything
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"A place all humans must visit"
- Lots to do
- where dreams happen
- Many people of all types
- Too crowded
- No parking
- Tourists
- Trendy & Stylish
- Neighborly Spirit
- Clean & Green
- Pest Free
- Peace & Quiet
- Eating Out
- Nightlife
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- Gym & Fitness
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- Lack of Traffic
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- Public Transport
- Medical Facilities
"What is it about this place?"
Fact: Manhattan was originally hilly swampland. Its distinctive skyscrapers are clustered where they are downtown because the ground underneath was determined to be capable of withstanding the weight of such enormous structures. The reason you don't see many very tall buildings uptown is because the ground is soft sand that wouldn't support the load. Fact: during the summertime epidemics of typhoid that swept through the city during the 1700's and 1800's, wealthy city residents would retreat to their country estates to wait out the disease, and then return in the fall when it had run its course through the poor populations in the city. Those “country estates” were located in what is now Greenwich Village, which might give a sense of how tiny a fraction of Manhattan's southern tip was actually populated at the time.
- everyone dressed so well
- everyone is here
- a place you make your career
- expensive
- shenanigans
- Tourists
- Trendy & Stylish