Safe shopping on Canal
People! Let's do the math, shall we? How many people, estimated, can you find on Canal Street on any given day, holding up little laminated signs with photos of handbags and chanting the mantra "Gucci Gucci Gucci Prada." ? Probably more than 500. How many bags do you think these people, per person, have stashed somewhere, in the back of one of the shops, or in a car, with the motor running, in case the cops come along? More than 500?
Now, realistically, how many handbags do you think Prada or Gucci manufactures in a year, and how many of those authentic handbags could possibly have been stolen on the way from manufacture to the real Gucci and Prada stores? Do you think either of these designers would be able to remain operational if such astonishing quantities of their products were being stolen on a daily basis?
Lastly, do you think that you, person X will be the one lucky fool among thousands of other fools visiting Canal Street who is approached by a Canal Street vendor, who really does have an actual, authentic Prada or Gucci bag he wants to sell you for less than $30, stolen or not?
They're FAKES, people! Let's exercise some common sense!
So long as you're clear on this piece of reality, shopping at Canal Street is great fun. Buying a "Gucci" bag from a shifty-eyed vendor is also great fun. I enjoyed driving down the price of my handbag and making my vendor increasingly nervous, until he practically threw the bag at me for $15 and took off. I'm very proud of it.
However, I've heard reported (on this website!) of a girl that actually got in the back seat of a car filled with such bags, in hopes of purchasing what she thought might be authentic bags that were stolen and being offered on the cheap. Can anything be more stupid? You'd get into a stranger's car for the sake of your own greed? If you think these people are capable of stealing, why would you not think further to the fact that they'd be capable of stealing from you once you get into their car? What's stopping such people from pulling a gun on you? For goodnesakes, enjoy shopping at Canal Street, but use your head.
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