Ick factor in Manhattan hotels
Here's one hotel to avoid in Manhattan:
Anyone want to add others to the list of shame?
Question asked via StreetAdvisor
The opinions expressed here are those of the individual and not those of Douglas Elliman.
Anyone want to add others to the list of shame?
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Have never lived at a NYC hotel so cant really comment on this but I do think many other bargain basement hotels would make the list too.
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I can't think of a moment in which I ever set foot inside a Manhattan hotel, but I'm amused to see that Times Square still retains some of that seediness it was once known for.
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@NeverSleeps Ha!
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I always find that the hotel rooms here are impossibly small . . but I've never been into a gross one. Although I can imagine that some are interesting to say the least.
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If I was going to recommend a hotel anywhere, it surely wouldn't be one in Times Square anyway. Like most of you, I've never really stayed in a hotel around here. Also wouldn't recommend this place: http://www.nypost.com/p/news/regional/item_mX7fGMnqXl6eaKbL7Dz6HM;jsessionid=5AA8D8CC54E478163A786C2464D9D60D
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@BroadwayBK Why do people continue to book into the Hotel Carter which has consistently made the dirtiest hotel list for years? Didnt we have a listing of reasonable hotels and B&Bs in NYC on this forum? i write for a travel deals website and they are often post deals for NYC hotel rooms which are around $100 a night what Hotel Carter charges. I would rather pay a little more and stay in clean hotel room rather than stay in a Hotel Carter. On the other hand I really wonder who manages the hotel don't they have any shame? Or they know budget tourists flock to the hotel and so they dont care?
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Sorry, never lived in a NYC hotel, so I can't comment on this subject.
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@uptowongirl Perhaps the Carter does a decent job of advertising to lazy budget travelers? But I agree; I would much rather fork over a little extra money and spend my vacation in complete comfort.
@ajadedidealist Good to know....
@ajadedidealist Good to know....
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@ajadedidealist just checked out hostelbookers offerings in NYC, youre right it does have a listing of guest houses and apartments for very low rates per night. Worth keeping it in mind whenever someone asks me about accommodation in NYC. Thanks
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@Ajadedidealist: No. I never used Hostelbookers.com. Any time I wanted to find a hotel in a place where I was traveling to, I would book my hotel either through Orbitz, Hotel.com, or Lowestfare.com. It depended on what service i used to get my plane ticket.
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One gets the feeling the only suckers who stay in those dirty Times Square places are from the middle of nowhere and have no clue - and somehow think staying in Times Square will be glamorous or whatever.
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@Uraniumfish good point there
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@hhusted - hostelbookers is great! They're not just hostels - plenty of lovely pensions, bed and breakfasts, etc., make their home there! I have found some lovely deals...
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